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Breaking Barriers: The Inspiring Journey of Indu Rajput, Founder, Raksha – The Savior

Indu Rajput, who is lovingly called as Indu Didi by her people, is a constant source of inspiration. She is that one goto person in any difficult situation of life for women she has been a savior for.

Indu founded RAKSHA – The Savior in the year 2016, with the desire of building the nation with an objective to empower women at all levels of the society. She has a dream of seeing every woman around her empowered and she has been tirelessly working for the same. But her story started long back.

Indu Rajput was born in Rajasthan and was always a creative soul. As a child, she loved to draw, paint and experiment with colors. As she grew older, her passion for art and creativity led her to pursue a career in fashion styling and makeup artistry. Just like any other girl with dreams in her eyes, she married the man of her dreams and they started a new life together.

Her husband was her biggest supporter and they were happy together. She became a mother of two beautiful daughters and life turned into a fairy-tale for her.  However, fate had something else in store. One day, Indu's world came crashing down when her husband passed away suddenly. It was a difficult time for her, but she knew she had to be strong for her family.

After her husband's death, Ms. Indu Rajput faced many challenges. She struggled to make ends meet and provide for her children. But she refused to give up. She turned to her passion for creativity and started taking on more clients as a stylist and makeup artist. She worked hard, often putting in long hours, but it paid off. She was able to support her family and provide for her children's education. Indu worked with many celebrities in Bollywood too and earned a good name for herself.

As she worked in the industry, Indu became aware of the struggles faced by many women, particularly those from underprivileged backgrounds. She realized that she had a unique platform and skillset that could be used to help empower women.

With this in mind, she founded an NGO called "Rakshaa" which aimed to provide skill training and employment opportunities for women from disadvantaged communities. The organization started small, but with her passion and dedication, it grew quickly. They trained women in various skills such as tailoring, embroidery, and makeup artistry, and helped those secure jobs or start their own businesses.

Indu also started swadeshi products awareness and working with Swadeshi Jagran Manch closely. Her NGO also help destitute and admit them into various old age homes. She along with her teammates went door to door and collected clothes also they made food packets for Kutch earthquake victims.

Her NGO now also contributes in maintaining a balance between Rural India Verses Urban India, where any imbalance can create a rift which might be difficult to bridge and might lead to Economic crises, Food crises, Ecological crises, Employment crises and Shelter crises etc. She independently fed more than 200 families for over a month during COVID 19 in 2021. 

Indu Rajput's NGO became widely recognized for its work and she was invited to speak at various events and conferences. Her story inspired many women who were going through similar struggles. She became a role model for young women who looked up to her and saw in her a source of inspiration and hope.  

As she looked back on her journey, she realized that every obstacle, every setback, and every challenge had been worth it. She had learned to believe in herself, to trust her instincts, and to never give up on her dreams. Through hard work, determination, and unwavering perseverance, she had overcome every hurdle in her path and emerged stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before. And as she embarked on the next chapter of her life, she knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, she had the courage, the strength, and the unwavering spirit to face them head-on and to conquer them with grace and dignity. She was a woman who had truly defied the odds and proved that with faith, hope, and perseverance, anything is possible.

Raksha The Savior can be reached at, +91 92102 10071 or visit, www.rakshha.com